New Moxie Golf Book Published, “Connect The Dots With Mini-Mox”

Connect the Dots with Mini Mox - by Barbara Moxness

ANNOUNCING THE PUBLISHING OF THE NEW MOXIE GOLF BOOK I am excited to announce the publishing of the new Moxie Golf book entitled CONNECT THE DOTS WITH MINI-MOX. Connect The Dots With Mini-Mox is an illustrated golf instruction book for all golfers that will make golf simple and enjoyable again! This fun book takes you … Read more

A Student’s Perspective on the Moxie Golf Academy Experience

From my experience, I believe that the Moxie Golf Academy would benefit any level of golfer.

Over the years I have tried to convey what the Moxie Golf Academy is all about. But many times my explanations of this Moxie Experience are inadequate in expressing the wonderful transformation that happens in a student’s golf game and life. So rather than me talking, I thought it would be helpful to have a … Read more