The Perfect Golf Swing: Connect The Dots
These simple tips bring golfers success very quickly when they become the focus and are applied to playing the game of golf. There is HOPE – CONTROL – CONFIDENCE in these simple tips!
These simple tips bring golfers success very quickly when they become the focus and are applied to playing the game of golf. There is HOPE – CONTROL – CONFIDENCE in these simple tips!
My new book, GOLF FROM THE INSIDE OUT, has been out for about a month. It has gotten good reviews and results but I must say I am a bit overwhelmed with the impact that it is having. When I first started to write the book I wrote in the Preface, “When I started … Read more
Today I am writing about some things that I hope will be helpful to all that read this Blog. I want to share with you some comments by a reader who had been fighting the yips for over 10 years. Upon reading my new book, Golf From the Inside Out, she wrote the following: “This is without a doubt the … Read more
It is my firm belief from my own experience and also the experience of my students that self-acceptance and gratitude is a real difficult concept to live by for golfers. We as golfers tend to be so hard on ourselves and expect perfection in our golfing experience and we judge ourselves by our performance on … Read more
By clicking on the insert you can see swing thoughts that many of us have been taught to use in our golfing experience. But did you know that when you are thinking or using the left brain your neuromotor system works at just 3-5 meters per second. Thinking creates “PARALYSIS FROM ANALYSIS” What is the solution? Since … Read more
Over the years of my golfing career I thought that if I knew more I would get better. But I found out the opposite is true. The more I knew about the mechanics of the golf swing, the more cluttered my mind became and the worse I played. So Moxie Golf is all about de-cluttering … Read more