The Power of the Mind

Golf is such a mind game.  It has been said that 99% of golf is in our mind.  From my experience of playing the game competitively I would say that is the truth.  I might even say that golf is 99.9% mental.  Why?  Because what we think affects our bodies, our actions and ultimately our reality.  Proverbs 23:7 says, “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he…”  Eleanor Roosevelt put it this way, “Remember, no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”  We have within our control the choice about how we think about ourselves, our golf and our lives.  When we think positive and truthful things we create a more confident and hopeful reality.  When we think negative and untruthful thoughts we are creating an environment for failure and depression.  It is our choice what kind of environment we want to create.  The challenge is to live in the life giving truthful and positive thoughts in life and in golf.  When we do that we will watch our reality and golf game become something good, beautiful and exciting.

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